Looking at the "Man in the Mirror"

Good week for “Writing on the Wall.” I was pleased to be a guest on the “Man in the Mirror” radio show with D’Shawn Wright and Peter J. Castaldo, heard on the Versatility Radio network, and locally at WYRM 1110 in Norfolk. Here is the link to the show:

Peter J. Castaldo (L), myself, and D'Shawn Wright
right after the "Man in the Mirror" radio show
I had a great time. My last time in a radio studio was at WCBG (wcbg.wagner.edu), our little 10-watt station at Wagner College, where I did some DJ-ing in college. Lot different then...10 watts meant that the sounds coming from the studio might have gotten off-campus if the wind blew right. On Staten Island, the Fresh Kills dump was usually more dependable. But it was fun, and a learning experience. In fact, my friend Chris Ryan and I got to cover one half of a basketball game once. Chris went on to own Ryan’s Wake (ryanswake.com), a thriving Irish establishment in Troy, NY. On the other hand, I’m doing lots of things, but still chasing the games with the fervor that other maniacs chase tornadoes!
Anyhow, the topic of the day on the “Man in the Mirror” was fear. Why are we afraid to pursue dreams? Lots of great points made last Thursday afternoon and the show is worth a listen. I was humbled, as their previous guests have included the mayors of Virginia Beach and Hampton, as well as business and religious leaders. My own friends and family enjoyed tweaking me with the question...”what are YOU going to talk about?” I’d like to think there were a few meaningful thoughts included in my 15-minute segment.
Of course, my suggestion is to listen!
