Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the “Wall!!”
I did send this message via e-mail today. My apologies 1) if you did not receive one - just means I don't have your e-mail address and 2) if you received duplicates :)
I didn’t pull a Humpty Dumpty and fall off the wall;
however, I haven’t sent a message out in quite a while. No reason for this,
just staying busy with some other things.
Best news – Elizabeth is almost finished with her
Master’s degree in Special Education and spent part of her summer as an Oxford
scholar. Yes, the one in England!
There are some other great things on the horizon.
First of all, as noted in an earlier post, I am back
in the coaching arena after a three-year layoff, now with girls’ cross-country
and working with the younger track athletes (officially, I’m the throwing
coach) on the Menchville HS team here in Newport News. It is much fun to be
back and it looks like the saying is true that “you always go back to what you
Still doing some writing with the DAILY PRESS. There have been ample
opportunities to work on community sports features for the Thursday Town Square
section, either with Newport News, Hampton, Gloucester, or York County/Poquoson.
It has been interesting just because of the wide range of stories – karate,
bowling, even covered the winner of a fishing tournament. This week, I’m
working on a story about an up-and-coming youth wrestling team which just
started in Newport News. Look for it soon, probably the first Thursday after
the New Year.
Staying with track, there might be another big
opportunity in the works here. There is a new movement called TrackNation. You can find it on Facebook,
where over 64,000 people have already “liked” it. Part of their vision is going
to include publishing a magazine, which will be called TRACKSIDE. There is
already some major corporate sponsorship behind the effort. The good news is
that I may be doing some writing for the magazine. Had a great (almost two
hour) talk with the editor last Saturday and he showed me the business plan and
magazine ideas. WOW!! This movement is surely going to blow up the track world,
mainly because with an online presence, it will bring out the “worldwide
community” feel for the sport, bringing everyone together. Listening to the
names rattled off as magazine contributors and potential article features was
like listening to a “Who’s Who” of track. In fact, here’s his quote, “Ok. Well Greg Foster, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Bob Beamon, Justin
Gatlin, etc are all waiting on your call.” More
to come.
while in the middle of doctoral comps and having some time, I’m getting ready
to collaborate with one of my professors from William and Mary on an article on
creativity and at-risk students. Dr. Kyung-Hee Kim has already conducted some eye
opening research on the topic, drawing worldwide attention from publications
such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Metro World News (England).
Superinteressante (Brazil), Periodista La Tercera (Chile), Korrespondent
(Ukraine), the Globe and Mail (Canada). Her work was notably featured in a
cover story for the June 19, 2011 issue of Newsweek.
you for reading the Wall at
Many blessings to you and yours this holiday season. ---
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