Youth Wrestling Returns to Newport News

Published in the January 17th issue of the DAILY PRESS' Newport News Town Square section

Nestled in the hallway bowels of Denbigh High School, a nondescript room houses the spot where the youth wrestling movement has revived in Newport News. Off of these corridors, next to the Patriot cafeteria, roughly 40 young grapplers, from ages 4 to 14, meet at 5:30 PM three evenings per week to showcase their skills while preparing for future high school competition.

Thanks to the efforts of Oliver Walmon and others,
youth wrestling is back in Newport News
Founded by Oliver Walmon, the Newport News Warriors team has brought local youngsters back to the sport. “For a while, kids were going to York and Poquoson to wrestle because they didn’t have another option. They’re coming back now.”

The Warriors are one of 16 teams which comprise the Peninsula Youth Wrestling League, covering the Peninsula, Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck.

The early numbers came as a pleasant surprise. “I thought we’d max out at 25 or 30,” adds Walmon. But he is optimistic about the future. “Next year, we are hoping for 75.”

Part of the reasoning for starting a youth wrestling team is to build up the pool of wrestlers in Newport News. “There is no feeder system to the high school.” In fact, local high school coaches have had trouble building a full team, and no Newport News high schools were represented in last weekend’s Virginia Duals, the largest meet of its kind (high school and college matches together) in the world.

Walman continues, “I cannot stress the importance of providing the children of Newport News with an outlet such as wrestling.  Not all kids play basketball or football or baseball, but everyone loves to wrestle.  We want to feed the high schools with disciplined and quality kids and build a dynasty that will last.  Our kids are having a blast and the results are already showing.”

Teante Gray is one of the eight Warrior coaches. Gray and Walmon share a bond, having both wrestled for Denbigh (Walmon is from the Class of 1989, while Gray graduated in 2000) and the two shared a common coach. Gray, who finished third in the State for his weight class as a high school senior, generally works with the older and more advanced wrestlers. But with so many coaches, Gray adds, “we’re able to give kids individual attention, with the idea being to build something that is going to last.”

“Wrestling in this area had kind of fallen by the wayside. We’re trying to get kids ready to compete with Poquoson and Great Bridge,” continues Gray when explaining his vision for the Warriors.

The early results are encouraging. In mid-December, the Warriors competed in their first tournament, the North of the James Tournament, held at Bethel High. Of the 16 wrestlers, 14 earned medals. In total, there were seven golds, five silvers and three bronzes. Madison Hinnant, one of the team’s two female wrestlers, won both a gold and bronze medal as a contestant in two separate brackets. The results were especially favorable considering that five wrestlers were competing in their first tournament ever.

A week later, four grapplers, between the ages of six and nine, took part in the Grassfield Holiday Wrestling Classic, with all winning medals. Trevon Gray won gold, Khaleo Smith and Temonte Gray took home silver medals and Karon Smith earned a bronze. Being a Tournament of Champions qualifying meet, Walmon was pleased to see all four advance to the next round.

The Warriors have been able to cover the $5,000 needed to cover their season expenses, thanks to sponsors such as National Counseling Group and Village Bicycles (formerly Conte’s Bike Shop). But as the team grows, so will the cost of the operation, a fact that is not lost on Walmon. “We have others (sponsors) who say they are interested, but we need some to step up to the plate. We all support keeping our kids safe from the negatives of the streets and want to do all we can to support our youth and the bright future they have in front of them.”

Newport News Warriors’ North of the James Tournament Results

Gold – Seth Naotala, Jalen Terry-Winston, Madison Hinnant, Khaleo Smith, Karon Smith, Ricky Flores Jr., Ricky Palm

Silver – Marc Jackson, Koa Naotala, Temonte Gray, Anthony Chamblee, Jacob Walmon

Bronze – Hinnant, Tyreece White, Noah Williams

Fourth place – Trevon Gray, Kyle Jackson

For more information on the Newport News Warriors, or other Peninsula Youth Wrestling League news, please visit their website at
