September 2, 2014

"Life Treats You the Way You Treat It" - Book Update

Labor Day has rolled past, and it is time to assess where D'Shawn and I are with the book project.
At our current rate, we'll be ready for the holidays. The publicity pictures have been taken and a working cover has been designed.

The photo day was interesting. D'Shawn poses for pictures all the time between the bodybuilding routines and other photo shoots. Me, not so much.

That's not a problem. Fortunately, I'm the organizer of the story and not its main subject. It would be odd for me to end up standing out in any picture of us. As I always joke -- a line I stole from 1980's comedian Steve Mittleman -- Let me tell you about my modeling career. I used to model socks  --- on the radio <rim shot!>

The working book cover looks great!

I hope that this ends up being the cover we go with. Some Facebook comments have noted that it looks too much like an evangelist looking toward the heavens. I think it fits the topic. D'Shawn says a lot of things about belief and confidence and looking for inspiration. In my frame of mind, this picture is a great metaphor for the message.

Right now, I'm figuring that we are at roughly 75 pages. Keep in mind -- we're not setting out to rewrite "War and Peace." Our aim starts with the minimum of 150 pages. The goal is to provide the type of book that someone could carry around in a purse or gym bag. I'd like to push closer to 200, but realize it will be a lot of work. But there will be some pictures of Body By D events, and perhaps some excerpts from other writings about D'Shawn, the gym clients, trainers, and surely the BBD movement in general.

Lex Gillette
We have found a worthy candidate to write the forward. Lex Gillette is one of the most amazing people you will ever encounter. Blind since the age of 7, he has become renowned for his feats in the long jump, clearing about 22 feet as a world class Paralympic athlete. He also writes music, plays instruments, and does a number of other things that one might not expect from a person who is sight impaired. However, he lives daily by his own creed - "No need for sight when you have a vision!" Travis Masters, my editor at TrackNation magazine, found Lex's story a couple of years ago and gave me the assignment. Our article can be found at this link on page 19.

As it stands now, we are on target to have the book ready toward the middle of November, and just in time for the Holidays! Plan ahead and get ready for our drop date.

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