Yes Virginia, I'm Still On The Wall; Southeastern (Wrestling) Slam Tomorrow 12/28 at Woodside

These past six weeks have been a whirlwind. Between thirteen consecutive weekends of covering high school and college football games, the completion of classes at William and Mary, the launching of our book, Christmas, and a series of tests for my students at DOC, there has been little room to do much of anything else. Unfortunately, after the middle of November, this wall bore the brunt of most my extracurricular activity; hence, I haven't posted in six weeks.

Get up and get busy!! Happy Holidays!
Oh yeah, Happy Holidays!!!!

I am happy to report that this will be changing soon. 2015 is already priming to be a game changer, and in future weeks I'll be happily explaining the reasons why. There are a couple of things I shouldn't talk about yet. But, others are open for conversation. Obviously (as if the hundred or so reminders didn't give you a clue) "Life Treats You.." is alive and kicking. We got out just in time for the holidays, and last Saturday's book launch went very well. There is a lot of work to be done. D'Shawn, Derrick Jamison (who did an awesome job with the cover!) and I met this afternoon to start the process of getting the book on Amazon and Kindle. Barnes and Noble is on the way, as well as some other outlets. And now that we have identified some editing and printing mistakes, we're going to get the minor bumps and scrapes out of the way before starting another printing run. Fortunately, our first run of 200 books is almost sold out.

Tomorrow, I will be visiting the Southeastern Virginia Santa Slam. It's a youth wrestling tournament co-hosted by the Newport News Warriors team and the directorate duo of Corey Beckner and Oliver
Southeastern Santa Slam - Sunday, December 28th at
Woodside High School in Newport News
Walmon. We just saw Oliver last weekend with the Adidas 757 All-Star Football Game, and that event is going to be a keeper. Almost 3,000 fans showed up to ODU's Powhatan Field on a cold, blustery Christmas shopping day to see the Peninsula guys lose a 7-6 nailbiter to the team from Southside. That event will gain momentum, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the attendance double next year. Anyhow, here's a blurb about tomorrow's match:

"The 2nd Annual Santa Slam is Back!!! December 28, 2014 at Woodside High School! Exceeding the 328 that attended last year!! See you there and please share on your page!!"

I'll be visiting the tournament tomorrow and providing some results on this site come Monday. I promise to be back in a regular swing in 2015, with the intention of having a post ready for every Monday. On tap for next week is the Tabb H.S. Holiday Basketball Tournament in Yorktown, VA on Monday and Tuesday, and then the inevitable 600th coaching win for Isle of Wight's Benny Vaughan, a story I have been following for three weeks now, as the Chargers have hit a mild slump and holiday break. Coach Vaughn, who pulls double duty as the school's headmaster, is on #599, and they will start up the schedule again on January 8th against Stonebridge School in Chesapeake.
