"If We Build It, They Will Come!" -- Mentoring Our Youth Through Entrepreneurship

The movement is called, “If We Build It, They Will Come! The Take Back the Dream Act!” By its initial definition, it is described as:

“An open forum to discuss development of entrepreneurship programs offered as an alternative to the gang lifestyle and other social issues we are combating lately in our communities. What has been done in the past does not work. We need fresh ideas and a new path to show these young people that there is a better way! All are welcome!”

On April 29th, almost 40 people took up D’Shawn Wright’s challenge and congregated at the Body By D Gym in Yorktown to exchange thoughts, vents, confessions, and ideas with regard to finding better options for today’s inner city youths.

For almost two hours, D’Shawn played host, but mostly distributed the microphone to anyone with a willing voice. To add posterity to the proceedings, he seated a panel in the front – consisting of a lifelong educator who told her tales of teaching gifted students in Hampton (Dr. Linda Hutchinson), two former Denbigh High classmates who now walk the talk daily for troubled youth at the Newport News Juvenile Detention facility (Oliver Walmon and Elizabeth McGrath), a former gang member who now mentors youths (and some adults) from the barber chair of his shop in Denbigh (Robert Moore), and the Republican candidate for the Clerk of the Court seat in York/Poquoson, Tu Ritter.

From the audience, educators, business owners, activists, and other community leaders offered tales of optimism and hope. But this is not a one-time event. Wright promises to take the ideas which were shared at the Town Hall, develop a plan of action, enlist help and support from community organizations, and move the mission to Step 2. Here is a video, filmed by Jamison Media LLC, summarizing the first Town Hall meeting.

The time and date for the next meeting will be finalized in the next few weeks. Details will be posted on the group's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/events/1604405843107829/), as well as here on the "Wall."
