From MileStat -- Ten Tales of Virginia State Track!! -- #8. Western Branch Girls Almost Win All Relays for Three Straight Years; 5A/6A Baton Exchange Wrap-Up

If not for a disqualification in the 4x100, the Branch girls
would have won the 4x100, 4x400 and 4x800 in three consecutive state outdoor
finals. Coupled with sweeps of the 4x200 and 4x400 at the 2015 and 2016
indoor state meets, the tally of relay wins for Western Branch, dating
from the 2014 indoor 4x800 (won by West Springfield in 9:15.13) to the
disqualification in this year’s 4x100, would look like this:
2014 indoor – 4x200, 4x400
2014 outdoor – 4x100, 4x400, 4x800
2015 indoor – 4x200, 4x400, 4x800
2015 outdoor – 4x100, 4x400, 4x800
2016 indoor – 4x200, 4x400, (Patriot won 4x800)
2016 outdoor – 4x800
That makes for a staggering 14 of 15 state relay finals
won by the Bruins. To note, the girls’ 4x100 team was disqualified, but had run
the fastest time of the event, with Joyner Hinton, Shadajah Ballard, Inayah
Boone and Jazmine Tilmon blazing to the finish in 47.14.
However, the Western Branch relay was disqualified for a handoff
violation in exchange zone #3. With the DQ, the Westfield quartet of Sarah
Little, Inaya Jones, Indira Miles and Natalie Lott prevailed in the relay with
a time of 47.72.
The Bruins rebounded quickly, finishing the meet with a win
in the 4x400, as the foursome of Jashella Jenkins, Amanda Thomas, Martina
Smalls and Adriana Shockley brought the baton home in 3:48.55. Without the DQ,
the count would be at 17... and counting!
In addition, not to be forgotten was the Bruins’ 4x800 team
of Shockley, Faith Ross, Smalls and Thomas, who broke the Virginia state record
on Friday with a new standard of 8:51.61.
5A Girls’
Nansemond River won the two shorter relays, while Hickory’s
four runners put on a clinic in the 4x800.
The Hawks got down to business on Friday, with Madisyn Van
Gorder, Kailyn Gyurisko, Kate Miller and Jodi Tolarchyk rolled through the
eight-lap race in 9:21.19, a full 8.25 seconds ahead of runner-up Marshall.
On Saturday, the relays were all about Team WAR. The 4x100
group of Leticia Toombs, Julia Burkley, Asia Crocker and Brene’ Donaldson
cruised to a 46.34, a full second ahead of second place Brooke Point (47.39).
The Warriors ended their winning day with a gold medal in the 4x400, as Kori
Carter, Amirah Jones, Tre’breh Scott-McKoy and Syaira Richardson put the final
touches on the WAR team triumph with a 3:49.96 win, six seconds faster than
silver medalist North Stafford (3:55.20).
6A Boys’
Unlike the other classifications, there were three separate
winners in the 6A boys’ relays.
On Friday, the state’s top-ranked 4x800, Lake Braddock, added
to its extensive gold medal collection in the distance events. Andrew
Delvecchio, Cavanaugh McGaw, Colin Schaefer and anchor Ben Fogg won the 4x800
in 7:51.35, easily defeating Manchester (7:57.19), who took the silver in a
season-best time.
Oscar Smith edged Woodbridge in the meet’s final event, the
4x400, with Kameron Corprew, Alfred Shirley III, Aaron Shirley, and Peter Smith
bringing the baton home in 3:19.39, .80 ahead of the Vikings.
5A Boys’
Bethel added 20 points to its state championship point tally
with wins in the 5A boys 4x100 and 4x400.
However, the first ten points were harder to earn than
Isaiah Norris was scratched from the 110-meter high hurdle
trials on Friday, suffering from food poisoning, However, Norris came back on
Saturday to lead off the Bruins winning 4x100, joining Carlos Young II, Ilkeem
Ellis and Josh Hagins for a 41.76 victory in one of the closest races of the
day. Prince George County took second in 41.77.
Norris won the 300-intermediate hurdles later on Saturday,
and sat out of Bethel’s winning 4x400. But, Ellis, Matthew Freeman, Young, and
Edward Richardson held their ground, and won in 3:20.61, to put the finishing
touches on the Bruins 14th state title under Coach Eddie Williams.
Potomac took the second spot in 3:21.58.
On Friday, Glen Allen outpaced its competition to secure the
4x800 win, with Michael Carrico, Eddie Williams, Austin Story and Zack Watt
pacing the Jaguars to a convincing 7:52.03 win, over four seconds faster than
silver medalist Mountain View (7:56.30).
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