From MileStat -- Ten Tales of Virginia State Track!! -- #9. Virginia Track Coaches Association (VTCA) Begins Operations (Q & A with Coach Mike Feldman -- Osbourn Park)

Osbourn Park track and field coach Mike
Feldman has been heading the program
since 2001. Now he'll take on another
challenge with the formation of the
Virginia Track Coaches Association.
There is also a lot of action happening off the track in Virginia. The Virginia Track Coaches Association is a new organization, and one with lofty goals and expectations, which are geared toward enhancing the track experience for both high school coaches and athletes. At the 5A/6A state meet, I had the opportunity to speak with Osbourn Park coach Mike Feldman, who has been spearheading the development of the organization, which is registered with the state business licensing authority and the IRS. They will be holding their third preliminary meeting July 25/26 and coaches clinic at UVA August 5th & 6th. 

MileStat: First of all, what is the official association name?

Feldman: The Virginia Track Coaches Association (VTCA).

MileStat: Now, there is already a Northern Virginia Track and Cross-Country Coaches Association, which was started by Coach Buz Male, and has been in existence since 1991. Will your organization be in competition with them?

Feldman: The Northern Virginia Track Coaches Association has a specific mission that supports cross-country and track and field in Northern Virginia. We wish for that organization to work with the VTCA and both groups to be supportive of one another. I do not see a conflict, but rather be inclusive of their expertise and support.

MileStat: So, did you go the Northern Virginia organization for help when you were looking to get the process started?

Feldman: We are using the Ohio Association of Track and Cross-Country Coaches (OATCCC) as our model. Wayne Clark and Duggan Hill have been a great help. Also, Mike Corn of the United States Cross-Country/Track and Field Coaches Association (USCCTFCA) has provided great support. VTCA is under the umbrella of the United States Cross-Country/Track and Field Coaches Association (USCCTFCA).

MileStat: And what is your proposed start date?

Feldman: The organization is already in existence. We are registered with the Virginia State Corporation Commission as an LLC. VTCA also has non-profit 501(C) (3) status with the IRS. We will have a web presence. The e-mail address is We are planning on our first clinic for August 5-6, 2016 on the Grounds of the University of Virginia.

MileStat: How will coaches be drawn toward joining the organization?

Feldman: We are reaching out through massive e-mails, MileStat, and word of mouth. From discussions throughout our community, there has been agreement that we as coaches need an organization dedicated to our sport(s).

MileStat: And who are you looking for to join the VTCA? And how many members are you envisioning for the VTCA?

Feldman: We want to be diverse. We need young coaches, men, women, hurdle coaches, jumper coaches, throwing coaches. We would like to see every high school in Virginia with at least one representative in the organization.

MileStat: What benefits will membership in the VTCA hold?

Feldman: Coaching education through clinics and professional development, sport development of Cross Country/Track and Field, coaches' recognition, access to clinics and professional educational opportunities. A voice to the VHSL (Virginia High School League) on issues regarding cross country/track and field. Our organization is also developing relationships with our in-state colleges and universities to promote our sport and increase college opportunities for our athletes.

MileStat: It sounds like an overwhelming task…

Feldman: We have a lot on our plate, but we want to start out small and build up. We are interested in developing track and field and moving forward. We want this (organization) to provide a meaningful experience.

MileStat: Finally, how will the Virginia Track Coaches Association benefit the state high school running community as a whole?

Feldman: We believe that the continual development of coaches in our sport will benefit our athletes immediately. A better prepared coach will be reflected in a better prepared person, both as a coach and in the athlete(s) they coach.
More information about the upcoming coaches clinic and VTCA will be posted on as they become available.
