Axsom's Army Invades Empire State

Three of Axsom Dojo's competitors traveled to New York City in early October to compete in the NY Open Karate Tournament in Valhalla, NY. 

The tournament was held at the Westchester Community College, and the divisions of competition were Kobudo (Weapons forms), Kata (Empty Hand Forms), and Kumite (Fighting). Below are the results:

Austin Galeski (18-34yo Male Advanced Division) GOLD in Kobudo,  Kata, and Kumite + 3rd Place in Grand Champion Champion Kata division, and 2nd in Grand Champion Kumite division. He is our dojo's Team Captain for the Bull-Moose Competition Team.

Jessica Sigsbee (16-17) Female Advanced Division) Bronze in Kumite. 

Ryan Sigsbee (14-15) Male Advanced Division) Silver in kata.
